The Rocket Equation

The fundamental equation of rocket propulsion is:

m0 = rocket's initial mass
m1 = rocket's final mass
v = change in rocket velocity
ve = exhaust velocity of the rocket
ln = natural logarithm

This equation lets us calculate the mass of propellant that will be required to accelerate a rocket of a given mass to a given velocity.  The highest practical rocket ejection velocities are achieved by burning hydrogen with oxygen which can produce (averaged over the trajectory), an exhaust velocity ve in the order of 4000 m/s.

You can use this calculator to find the starting mass of a rocket that will be required to accelerate a given final mass to a given change in velocity.  Enter the appropriate values, and then press the calculate button.
Final mass (m1)
Change in velocity (v)
Exhaust velocity (ve)

Initial mass (m0)

To achieve a low Earth orbit (200 km altitude) requires a velocity of about 7800 m/s.   However, to get to orbit from launch on the surface, you have to travel through the Earth's atmosphere.  There is a lot of atmospheric drag, as well as the force of gravity to work against, which makes you lose roughly 1500 m/s.  Therefore the change in velocity required to go to low Earth orbit is about 9300 m/s (as shown in the following calculation, the v = Final Velocity + Drag - Initial Velocity).

Single Stage Final velocity 7800 m/s
+ 1500 m/s drag forces 1500 m/s
Initial velocity 0 m/s
v 9300 m/s

Assuming this v and using the calculator, work out the initial mass (m0) required to put 100 tonnes (the approximate final mass (m1) of the space shuttle) into low Earth orbit if you used a single stage rocket.

The next section will only appear after you have completed the above calculation.