Geehi, Day three

Washing our motorhome at Geehi

Because it is such a nice site we stayed another day at Geehi.  We’re using the river water to drink (after filtering), to cook and to clean with.  This morning Enid washed clothes and then after that we washed the motorhome.  This took us the entire morning, but it certainly looks much better.

This afternoon I worked on getting the December pictures put into a slideshow, and Enid read.  We also swam/washed in the river, and did some more laundry.  We are almost out of some kinds of food, so we will have to leave tomorrow.

Although it was slightly overcast all day the temperature was very comfortable.  It became quite a bit more windy at suppertime tonight, and the sky cleared somewhat.  It helped to dry the last of the laundry.

There was quite a change of clientele in the campsite today.  A number of our neighbours left and we have a lot of families with children that have moved in.

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