Geehi Walls Trail to Bogong Creek

Looking east from Geehi Wall track

This morning I got up fairly early and shot some video of a few birds and kangaroos.  I got a bit of tape of the kookaburra laughing, and also of some kangaroos.  I wanted to get the kangaroos to jump but they wouldn’t and I was able to walk right up to them and they didn’t move away at all.

After breakfast we made our lunch for a hike on the other side of the river than we did yesterday.  We got away by 9:30 which was good as it was still cool as we walked uphill on the highway for about two kilometers before getting onto the Geehi Walls track.  We then walked downhill back to Bogong Creek where there is an old bridge crossing the river.  Much of the bridge decking is rotting, but several 4 wheel drive vehicles passed us today, and crossed over the bridge.  This track keeps on north to the Geehi Walls, but we went no further than the bridge.  We ate our lunch very close to the spot where Bogong Creek joins the Swampy Plain River.  We returned on the west side of the river after fording it as we had yesterday, a distance today of about 12.5 km.

After we swam Enid washed some of our shirts in the river.  Later on I spoke to a man and woman who also have an older Winnebago motorhome on a Mazda chassis.  It is about two or three years older than ours, and a couple of feet longer.  He loaned me a caravan magazine and Enid and I looked through some of the ads in it to get an idea of what motorhomes similar to ours are selling for.  After supper I took the magazine back and talked to them about places to go and camp both around here and into Victoria.  They gave us some good ideas about camping sites.

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