Spruce River Highlands Trail, June 1


White Violet


We hiked the many hills of the Spruce River Highlands Trail this morning. It was slightly overcast and a bit cooler than it has been, but a nice morning.  Not far from the start of the trail we came suddenly upon a whitetail doe.   She was not very frightened of us and walked along the trail ahead for a ways before walking into the bush.


Purple Violet

There were many flowers, mostly violets both purple and white, as well as a number of other flowers that I will have to use my reference books to identify. The trail isn’t really long, just over 9 km, but the number of steep hills make it the most difficult hike in this part of the park.

This evening I paddled the kayak to the far end of the lake.   It was very calm but quite cool.  A couple of very large beaver swam around the kayak slapping their tails. I also saw a deer run up the hill as I approached.

The lake is high and has been for several years. Because of this the shoreline is strewn with many dead trees, especially a lot of birch.

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