Three Mile Dam, Day 3

Sunset at Three Mile Dam

It’s our third day at Three Mile Dam.  We washed some more clothes this morning, but that was about the extent of the effort for today.  A man walked by before lunch and we talked to him at length about the best campsites along our route.  He had stayed in a lot of them.  I’m not sure what he did for a living, but he said he stayed in the free campsites while conducting business in the towns.

We also made a decision about Tasmania.  We checked the ferry website and it’s going to be a reasonable price to take our motorhome on the ferry.  So we’re booked to go to Tasmania on February 7.  We’ll probably stay there for a couple of weeks.

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1 Response to Three Mile Dam, Day 3

  1. Dawn Fullerton says:

    I have a friend who would be so jealous. When she has a bad day, moment, etc. she always say she is moving to Tasmania. She’s gone so far as to get travel brochures from a place she will probably never have the opportunity to visit! We are getting a very snowy winter. 30C sounds quite wonderful at the moment!
    Enjoy your evening.

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