Wallace Creek Fire Trail

Lunch along Wallace Creek fire trail

There is a trail through the Three Mile Dam campground that has a gate just before the dam to block access for vehicles.  We walked along this trail today for about 10 km (return).  Just past the dam there is a sign to the right that says Wallace Creek Fire Trail and we followed this (to the left goes to the panoramic view lookout that we walked to on the first day here).  It was scattered cloud and sun for most of the morning so a nice morning to walk.  We stopped along the way to view the overlooks to the mountain valleys to the west and the more open meadows to the east.  There were many flowers, most of them different than the ones which we saw on our hike up Goldseekers Trail.

By the time we returned after eating lunch the sky was getting much more overcast.  As we went swimming it started to rain, just a light sprinkle, so after swimming we did wash more clothes.  We’ve washed by hand almost everything here over the last few days.  Things dried for a while, but now it is raining a bit more heavily so we’ve brought the clothes in.  We’ll hang them back later on if it stops.  One benefit of the rain is that it suppresses the March flies.

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