Clausius - Clapeyron Equation

Calculating Enthalpy
A plot of ln (K) as a function of 1/T for the Sabatier reaction between 400 and 600 șC.  The slope of the line is positive.  Multiplying the slope by R gives a H of -185 kJ for the Sabatier reaction.

If you plot the natural logarithm of an equilibrium constant for gases, Kp, as a function of the inverse Kelvin temperature, you get a straight line.  This line has a slope of -H/R where:

It is possible to show that

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which is known as the Clausius - Clapeyron equation.  If you know the value of Kp at one temperature (K1 at T1) this equation allows you to calculate the value of Kp at a second temperature (K2 at T2).   This equation assumes that H does not change with temperature, which is only partially correct.

Deriving this equation is beyond the scope of this material.  However, it is derived from the variation of reaction rates with temperature, which depends on the forward and reverse reaction's activation energies.   Notice also that Kp expressed in terms of gas pressures must be used.