The following links to sites are not part of the "Mission to Mars" material, but provide information that may be of interest.
Antarctic Exploration: The following sites provide a great deal of information about Antarctica:
Bone Density Research and Osteoporosis:
Climate orbiter: In September 1999, the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost. Here are web page stories about its loss:
Cloning: Dolly the sheep was the world's first mammal cloned from a fully grown adult in 1996. Here are some links to articles about Dolly, and about the technology of cloning.
Early Exploration: Information about the earliest voyages to North America can be found at
Gerhard Herzberg: Physicist Gerhard Herzberg won the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1971. Fleeing Nazi Germany, he moved to Saskatchewan, where he worked from 1935 - 1945. Here is biographical information about him.
Interplanetary Travel: The physics behind computing trajectories between planets
Isaac Newton: Biographical and other information
Life on Mars? Internet sites that discuss the possible discovery of fossilized life in Martian meteorites
You can read some of the classic science fiction about Mars on the web
Paul Sabatier: Biography of the 1912 Nobel prize winner
Spinoffs: NASA publishes an online listing of all the technological spinoffs that result from space related research at
Supercritical CO2: an excellent solvent