The isomerization of cis- and trans-2-butene
Isomers are two molecules that are made of the same number and type of atoms, but that are structurally different.  There are many different types of isomers.

In cis- and trans- isomers there are two parts that are on the same side (cis-) or across (trans-) a double bond.  For example these are cis- and trans-2-butene (C4H8).  To help you see the relationship of the parts, the hydrogens on the same (cis) side, or across (trans) the double bond are highlighted in blue.

Isomers are distinctly different molecules, as you can see from the following table of physical properties.
  cis-2-butene trans-2-butene
Melting point
-138.9 oC
-105.6 oC
Boiling point
3.7 oC
0.9 oC
Density 0.6213 g mL-1 0.6041 g mL-1
You can rotate the molecules below (a Chime plugin) by dragging over them with the mouse, but no matter what you do you will be unable to make them have identical shapes.  (You can right click your mouse to see what options you have to change the way the drawing is rendered).
While cis- and trans-isomers are distinct molecules, they can be interconverted from one to the other.  Heat (and light) will cause the double bond to break, allowing rotation, so that the molecule's parts can flip sides.  In the presence of strong acids which act as catalysts, the isomerization can take place at room temperature.

Because the bonds can break apart and recombine, there is an equilibrium between the two forms which can be represented by this equation: cis-2-butene  trans-2-butene
The rate at which the cis molecules turn into trans (the forward reaction) is 
Rf = kf [cis] where:
Rf  the rate of the forward reaction
k the rate constant for the forward reaction
[cis] the concentration of cis molecules
The rate at which the trans molecules turn into cis (the reverse reaction) is 
Rr = kr [trans] where:
Rr the rate of the reverse reaction
k the rate constant for the reverse reaction
[trans] the concentration of trans molecules
If you started with a container in which there were no trans-molecules, the rate of the reverse reaction would initially be zero (since [trans] = 0).  However, over time, there will be a buildup of the trans- molecules ([trans] increases).  This means the reverse rate will increase.  At the same time, the [cis] must be going down.  This means the forward rate decreases. At some point in time, the Rf = Rr, and equilibrium is achieved.

You can see this in this Excel spreadsheet2, which you should download and save on your computer.  Then open the spreadsheet, and use it to do the following:

1. Observe the spreadsheet graph for these default initial values1:
Temperature 25 oC
Activation energy (forward) 80 kJ
Activation energy (reverse) 60 kJ
[cis] 1.0 mol/L
[trans] 0.0 mol/L
This is an endothermic reaction
At what point does the reaction reach equilibrium?  Explain why the spreadsheet graph has the shape it does.

2. Change the temperature (make it both higher and lower) and observe what happens to the equilibrium.  Explain what you see.

3. Change the size of the activation energies.  Make Activation energy (forward) = 60 and Activation Energy (reverse) = 80 (note: this will now be an exothermic reaction).  Does Keq depend on the value of kf and kr?  Since kf and kr depend on temperature, what can you conclude about the effect of a temperature change on the value of Keq?  Is the change the same for an exothermic and endothermic reaction?

4. Reset the temperature and activation energies to their default values.  Now double the initial [cis] molecules.  What do you observe happens to the graph? Explain what you see.

5. What did you observe happen to the value of Keq in step 4?  What can you conclude about the effect of concentration on Keq's value?

6. Make the initial [trans] the same as the initial [cis].  What do you observe happens to the graph? Explain what you see.

7. Reset the default values for temperature and activation energy.  Make the initial [trans] = 1.0 mol/L , and set the [cis] = 0.  What do you observe happens to the graph?  Explain what you see.

8. Compare the results from steps 1 and 7.  What can you conclude about a reaction that has reached equilibrium, if you start from the products, as compared to starting with reactants?

9. Does the rate of a reaction become zero when it has reached equilibrium? Explain your answer. 

Copyright © 1998 - 2008 David Dice

1 Note: this is a simulation.  The values it produces are not real.  Due to assumptions made to simplify the calculations, certain combinations of data will cause the result to "oscillate".  The value of the calculated kf and kr are obtained from the Arrhenius equation , but the range of the activation energy was selected only for convenience in solving the equations, to give changes in a reasonable amount of time.

2 This spreadsheet is a modification of one created by Larry Brown, Texas A&M University, Department of Chemistry,  P. O. Box 300012, College Station, TX 77842-3012