Art Gallery of New South Wales

Fountain at Sydney Eye Hospital

We went in to Sydney again this morning, planning to go to the Australian Maritime Museum.  However on the train in we talked about our banking, and decided that we needed to go in to a branch to clear up our accounts before leaving.  We got things arranged for our departure.  When we left the bank we turned the wrong way and walked a block before we saw a sign that said “Art Gallery of NSW”, so decided to go there instead of to the museum.

We took a guided tour  for an hour, then ate our lunch in the botanical garden grounds before returning for another hour in the gallery.  There were a lot of young children in the gallery, and also in the park.  They were eating their lunches, feeding their lunch to the birds, and two young boys spent at least half an hour running full speed after the birds and chasing them.  There was an item on the television tonight about young children spending too much time in front of the television, and not getting enough exercise.  These two boys did not fit that description.

On the way back we got off at Chatswood Station which is right beside a large shopping district.  There is a multi-story shopping mall there, as well as many shops in the streets.  All we did though was buy groceries.

There was a knock on our door just as we were preparing supper tonight.  Over the last two days there has been a film crew in the park here.  Yesterday they were set up with lights shining in through the windows of a caravan parked right across the street from us.  The man at the door was just informing us that they were filming, and that there might be a bit of noise (there wasn’t).  I asked him what it was they were doing, and he said that they are filming an episode of “Deadly Women” for the Discovery Channel.  Perhaps we will see the episode when we return to Canada..

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