Barrenjoey Lighthouse

Palm Beach and Little Head from Barrinjoey Lighthouse

It was a very nice day today, sunny and warm in the mid 20’s, with a light breeze most of the day.  After picking up some groceries for the next two days (since we won’t have a car after tomorrow, and won’t get our motorhome until Tuesday we will have no way to shop) we drove north about 20 km to the end of the “Northern Beaches”.   Here there is a long beach, Palm Beach, and Barrenjoey Lighthouse on a head.

We hiked up to the lighthouse, a fairly steep climb on the Smugglers Cove trail, which is about 500 m long, and carved into the side of the hill with stone steps.  It was built by five convicts and was one of the access routes to the lighthouse.  There is another longer but less steep route that was used as a road to construct the lighthouse, but it is currently being rebuilt and isn’t open to use.  The views from the top of the head are very nice.  You can see for many miles in all directions.  We ate our lunch on a rocky point a few more hundred metres from the lighthouse overlooking Palm Beach and Little Head to the south.

After we came down we walked along the beach for almost an hour.  We did stop for a while to watch a fisherman in the surf.  He seemed to have something on his line, but after at least fifteen minutes of trying to land it, he broke his line so we don’t know what he had caught.

Tomorrow morning we will check in with the RV dealer, and then take our rental car back into Sydney.  We plan to spend the day in Sydney seeing some of the sights, so hope that the weather is as nice as it was today.

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