Bluewater Lake State Park, October 13

Bluewater Creek

As we drove through south of Farmington this morning we saw the results of the Navajo Dam irrigation project.  There were many green fields being irrigated, but the most interesting was a huge field of pumpkins.  There were dozens of semi-trailers lined up in the fields, thousands of orange pumpkins lying on the ground, and many tractors and workers out loading up the pumpkins.  Then not too much farther south the irrigation ends, and you drive for miles through dry sparsely populated desert.  There must be as many churches as there are people!

We got to this park early in the afternoon.  There is a lake here formed by a dam, but it is very low.  We went for a walk through the canyon below the dam.  There is a very tiny stream with almost no water which we crossed twice on rocks and logs.  On the way back we saw a very large hairy spider about two inches long.

It was very cold and windy tonight.  We are up high here and it is definitely fall.

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