Inuvik, Day 2

Igloo Church, Inuvik

We are still in Inuvik, and waiting out the weather.  Today was very cloudy and rainy.  Fortunately there is a good kitchen shelter in the campsite, so we have been able to cook there.  It’s not too cold, but nevertheless, it would be nicer to have good weather.  As of this morning the Peel River ferry was operating again, but the Dempster is closed south of Eagle Plains where it has been flooded by the Ogilvie River. 

We did the laundry this morning, so that was good to complete.  Right now we are waiting in the library, checking our email and so on.  The weather forecast looks good for Saturday, so our plans are to go to Tuktoyaktuk then. 

Inuvik has an interesting church, the Igloo Church.  It is a Catholic church built in the shape of an igloo.  We had a tour and talk about the church this afternoon, which indicated how it was constructed.  They allow you to go up into the attic, so you could see how it was built.  Most of the wood was shipped in from far south, but they even used hockey sticks in the building construction.

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