Port MacDonnell

South Australia Rock Lobster

It was a cloudy morning and very windy.  Now at 4 pm the sky has mostly cleared, the wind is dying down, and it looks like it won’t be a bad evening.

We drove through the town of Robe and to the scenic tourist drive.  It goes by the lighthouse and to some very pretty views out over the rocky part of the coast.  We stopped several times to take photographs.  Enid put on her longsleeved shirt as it was so cool.  After that we got groceries in the town’s supermarket.  Since they don’t provide shopping bags in South Australia (it’s illegal), we find it rather annoying as we always forget to take in our one bag we bought.   Enid commented to the clerk that it doesn’t make much sense, as we ended up having to buy plastic bags for garbage (and they’re bigger than the grocery bags so even more wasteful and polluting).  The clerk just scowled.  I suspect she’s heard the complaint a lot.

We drove to Beachport which is another small town that has developed a tourist drive.  The town is obviously a tourist centre, as there are many large houses built along the coastal view, and more under construction.  We met a man who was scuba diving, and talked to him at one of the viewpoints.  He had caught some rock lobster and abalone.  He offered us the abalone, but we really don’t know how to cook it (and he said it was difficult to do) so we declined.  We ate lunch at the surf beach.  There was a wicked wind coming off the ocean and as we started to eat it began to rain.

We drove through misty rain for the next hour or so.  It was still raining as we went through Mt. Gambier, and we questioned whether we should drive out to the coast or stay.  As it looked as if the clounds might be breaking a bit to the south we decided to come here to Port MacDonnell.  It looks like the right decision as it is now clearing and will be a nice evening.  We hope to be able to see the Fairy Penquin colony here tonight.

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