Romero Pools, November 26

Romero Pools, Catalina State Park

It rained the night before last (November 25) and when we got up it was cool and cloudy.  We thought about going to Biosphere 2, but decided against it, and just took it easy all day.  I did beat Enid in a game of Scrabble though!

This morning we hiked up to the Romero Pools.  It was about 4.5 km to the top.  The middle part, about 2 km in length before you reach the pools, is quite steep and rough.  There was a small trickle of water that forms several clear pools there.  I climbed up a bit farther, but the trail wasn’t very well used, though I did see several fire rings where people have camped in the past.

There were quite a few people on the trail today, not surprisingly as it is Saturday, and the weather was very nice.

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