Snorkeling at Black Rock, April 25

Rockfish (Stocky hawkfish)

Rockfish (Stocky hawkfish)

It has been very windy since our arrival in Maui, and today was probably the windiest yet.  I saw on the weather that there were small craft warnings out for today.  The surf is really crashing into the seawall outside our condo.

However, we found a place where we could snorkel, Black Rock, and the waves were not bad.  Find is the operational word — we had a great deal of difficulty finding the place which is at the Sheraton Hotel, but not very well signed.  The first time we drove in we thought we were in the wrong place as we passed the Westin Hotel.  We turned back and went farther down the highway until we knew that we must have missed it.  Turning back we drove about 100 m farther on the same road we’d been on before, and found a sign.  There was only one empty spot in the parking lot, and I squeezed in about 6 inches away from a large truck.  I could hardly get out the door and by the truck mirror.

There is a large beach, and there were lots of people there, but around the point a couple of hundred yards from shore there was hardly anyone.  As we rounded the point we saw an Eagle Ray.  They swim very fast, so I barely managed to snap one quick picture of it.  We snorkeled for about an hour in the morning, then walked back to our car to get our lunch.  After lunch we snorkeled once more.  

On the way to go snorkeling we stopped at the farmer’s market and got some vegetables, and a pineapple.  They weren’t cheap, so hopefully they taste good.

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