Stanley Park and the Vancouver Aquarium, April 20

Easter Sunday, and a cloudy day, but it hardly rained so we enjoyed a walk along the seawall in Stanley Park.  We ate lunch near the aquarium, and it started to sprinkle rain.  Some other tourist walked by and took a picture of us eating under our umbrellas.

We enjoyed the aquarium very much.  Many of the displays are of Pacific Coast fish and sea-life.  There are many very colourful anemones, and beautifully lit displays of jellyfish.  They form living works of art.  It is probably nicer to view the ocean bottom this way in the aquarium than it would be to snorkel or dive in the cold Pacific Northwest.

The aquarium is very controversial in Vancouver because of its captive dolphins and whales.  However, realistically, what else could you do with dolphins that have been injured and permanently disabled by fishing nets.  Would it be better to euthanize them, or allow them to live in captivity?


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