Travelling to Waterton, July 5

We left Prince Albert early Wednesday morning, and travelled to Bickleigh.  It was incredibly windy, from the southwest, which of course was the direction we were heading, so our gas mileage was very poor.  The wind was so strong that it broke one of the clamps holding the skirting on the side of the trailer.  We stopped just outside of Harris and tied the broken clamp to the frame of the trailer with a piece of rope.  We stopped in Rosetown to see if we could find some flat aluminum to use to fix it, but found nothing, so decided we might as well go to the farm to see Duane, as we were sure he’d have what we needed.

Duane manufactured two nice heavy clamps, one for each side of the trailer, so we have that fixed.  Enid drove in to Eston and picked up her mother and brought her to the farm overnight.  We left the farm on Thursday morning, a lovely day with almost no wind.  After leaving Florence at the lodge in Eston, we continued on west, and reached Waterton National Park in mid-afternoon.

Enid thought one of the tires on the trailer looked low.  By the time we had finished supper it was obvious that the tire was losing air, so we plan to see if we can get it fixed tomorrow.

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