Waterhouse Point, Day 2

Seaweed while snorkelling at Waterhouse Point

It rained a bit in the night, not much, but enough that the sand was damp and because of that stuck to our shoes everytime we went out. It made a mess in our motorhome which we had to sweep out several times during the day.

We went for a long walk on the beach this morning, a little over 5 km. It was cloudy, but warm. There is a lot of seaweed debris in places piled as much as two feet deep; however, in most places the sand is clear and firm and easy to walk on. We walked from one rocky point to another. There are a few cabins along the shore, as well as several places where people are camped. We saw a couple of people fishing.

After lunch I went snorkelling out at the point. Enid swam with me, but didn’t snorkel. There are some rocks at the point and they are covered with a variety of kinds of seaweed. We saw some small little fish, but nothing big. It was fairly hard to see as there is quite a bit of sand in the water so it was a bit murky. It was low tide when we went so there was a very long beach to walk over, at least 100 metres to the water. Now just two hours later the tide is coming in and the rocks where we snorkelled are under water.

It has been a nice day with a nice temperature. It’s still a bit cloudy, but not heavy cloud and the sun is starting to break through.

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